Welcome to Morley’s Muscle
Morley’s Muscle Cars and Muscle Bikes is Located near Wichita Kansas. We have been collecting Muscle Cars from the late 60’s and early 70’s for many years and have begun adding Muscle Bikes since the early 90’s.
I’m old school in that I want to make absolutely certain that what you buy is going to fit your given car or bike and make you 100% satisfied. Towards that endeavor, all business is conducted by email or phone. This will insure that we get you the correct product for your particular application.
As you browse this site, simply add what you’re interested in to the enquiry cart. Once you have everything you’re interested in, go to your enquiry cart and check out. That will open up a window for you to enter your information to send to me.
Please make sure you enter as much information as you can about your given vehicle so I can be sure to get you the best matching parts and service that I can.
Then hit send and it will be emailed straight to me and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Thank you and I look forward to doing business with you.
Sean Morley